Everyone has their own style of communication, but very few people have mastered effective communication. Breakdowns in communication occur all […]
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Proven and distinguished: With the help of the FU Berlin, the scientific foundation of NeuroNation was laid. We have remained […]
Scientists from Yale University are bringing good news again. This time, they analyzed the effect of a 5-minute warm-up brain-training […]
Nowadays, there isn’t any bookstore that doesn’t fill its shelves with “how to be happy”-guidance books. But while these are […]
For our sophisticated readers, it is probably a common understanding, that our whole learning and processing system, the brain, is […]
Scientists have for long agreed on the various benefits of sleep to our well-being. One important function of sleep is […]
Prof. Dr. Niedeggen and colleagues at the Free University in Berlin recently conducted a study which found working memory training with […]
While most of us struggle making it through school or at least through some of the more complex subjects like […]
Long has it been known that the amount of sleep we get is important for our mental health. For people […]
The human laughter has been studied for many centuries. We know for example that there are several different types of […]
Human memory is moody, problematic and unreliable. Even when you think you’re remembering everything accurately, chances are things have gotten […]